Simtec Systems GmbH
Simtec Systems GmbH



Our FUNRIDE™ OCS (Open Cabin Simulator) product line has been in successful operation for the last 20 years. It can also be operated as exciting Immersive Tunnel Attraction!

The combination of 2D or 3D images, motion impressions and additional special effects such as rain, heat, wind, scent and seat vibration take the guest on an unbelievable journey. With an optional turntable, the motion platform (and the audience) can be rotated 360° in both directions. The integration of these effects – both visual and physical – provides an immersive experience in simulator attraction technology.

Our FUNRIDE™ OCS TR (On Track) is a special FUNRIDE™ version. The motion system is mounted on a platform which allows moving the system through or into a dome-theatre.





3 - 6 DOF motion
20 - 100 passengers
Seated or standing






Wind, water, scent and heat SFX
Screen with projection or LED screen
2D or 3D projection
Up to 1000 visitors per hour


Special Options:


Immersive Tunnel
Track guided


On Track

With our optional tracks the platform can be moved through or into a dome-theater - get ready for exciting Immersive Tunnel Attractions!




With optional turntable the motion platform (and audience) can be rotated 360° in both directions


Special Effects

External special effects like rain, wind, water fountains, heat, etc. takes the guests on an unbelievable journey




Just like our FUNRIDE™ OCS, the FUNRIDE™ CCS are successful around the world. The closed cabin enhances the possibilities of customised sound projection.

2D or 3D image and sound projection combined with synchronised 3-6-DOF motion and optional wind/water/scent/seat vibration SFX provide for a truly immersive guest experience.

Guests enter a themed closed cabin with projection screens and feel like walking into another world.




3 - 6 DOF motion
2 - 50 passengers
Seats or standing room




Wind, water and scent SFX
Cabin theming customised to clients' wishes
2D or 3D projection
up to 500 visitors per hour


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